The image is possibly about a journey that a couple can make together. There is no land reference point that might indicate a start point or an end point to the journey, although there is a distance between them suggesting they have a way to go. The sea is a metaphor for uncertainty, danger and the unknown. It is essentially a picture about love and hope.

An image with a narrative: the water represents a place where the couple drown and the fish prey on one another. The red car wreck is a relationship. The couple are naked and vulnerable. The man is trying to close the gap on the woman who is pulling away. There is a metaphor for salvation here as the only way they can rescue and restore themselves is follow the line of fish towards the surface and the boat.

Oil on canvas. 38″x38″. £2000.

Swimming pool. Oil on canvas. 60″X60″

Friends hiking up a mountain. Oil on canvas. 60″x72″

Family of ducks. Oil on canvas. 60cmx 60cm.

Snakes. Oil on canvas. 55cmx82cm.

Still life. Oil on canvas. 60cmx60cm. (sold)

Basket of fish. Oil on canvas. 140cmx96cm.

Conversation. Oil on canvas. 110cm x 90cm.

‘All you need is your mum…….’ Oil on canvas. Five feet by four.