Jess Clark. Oil on canvas. W.24” H.24” D.0.5”  £400
Adam and Eve Return to the Kingdom. W.36” H.49” D.1” Oil on canvas. £3000.
The image shows Adam and Eve in their Eden clothes at the feet of Christ knowing that this is the only way back to the Kingdom. The repentant criminal is in the foreground clearly distressed but soon to be in paradise. The unrepentant criminal is in the background about to be consumed by the darkness. The Roman officer is the first gentile convert as he realises that as Jesus dies he must be the Son of God.
Lying down. Oil on board. W.24” H.16” D. 1”. Framed. £400.
Waiting. W.24” H.24” D.0.5” Oil on canvas. (Sold.)
London buses. W.20” H.16” D.1” Oil on canvas. Framed. £500.
Daydreaming. Oil on canvas. W.31” H.41” D.1.5” £3000.
Seascapes and water